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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

As I prepare for the Women of Wisdom Conference in Seattle this coming week, I realize just how much I love to teach and do ceremony, especially with my favorite writer and priestess of the Egyptian Mysteries, Normandi Ellis. Although the full conference dates are Feb. 14-18, Normandi has a pre-conference workshop on Wednesday and Thursday that is not to be missed if you are in or around, or can make it to Seattle. Her new book, Imagining the World Into Existence, An Ancient Egyptian Manual of Consciousness is a brilliant work. Jean Houston, writing in the forward, called it “a masterpiece.” I'm honored to be supporting her and playing with her during this event.

We are further participating at Women of Wisdom by presenting the main ceremony on Saturday evening, February 16, along with presentations by the Women of Wisdom Choir (who will also be backing us during the ritual), and storytelling from three Native American storytellers. More info here.

The theme of the Conference is “Women Leading the Evolutionary Shift—Midwifing the New Paradigm.” As both Normandi and I are very much concerned with empowering all people to join in the co-creation process, we will be discussing how women through time have joined together while meeting at the well. Obviously an outdated custom in this country, its metaphoric symbolism is still present and for our purposes, expressed in the many vessels that help define our femininity.

Nicki and Normandi at the Temple of IsisAs Normandi puts it, “The cauldron is the embodiment of the sacred and divine vessel from which we drink and which connects us to the divine. We are also the cauldron because we are able to become vessels ourselves and in so doing allow the divine to move through us and to speak through us. Becoming a cauldron is how we are able to selflessly manifest change for the benefit of the planet. The cauldron has been with us since well before ancient Egypt, through the vessel of Hecate, through the vessel of the Mary, through the chalice and the grail, and through the nurturing nature of us all. Our individual work at the cauldron is good for the gods and goddesses, good work for the community and good work for the planet.”

Becoming a vessel and working the cauldron to make spirit medicine is the focus of the Saturday evening program led by Normandi and me, and each participant adds their personal power and attributes of their choice to the spirit brew, which we then imbibe for ourselves, for our communities, for the shift we are experiencing as a collective, and for the world. At the end of the ceremony, participants become carriers of this medicine, and will learn how to keep it alive, refresh and renew its potency, and how to share it with other individuals and circles. This medicine ceremony will contribute to the overall opportunity for healing and transformation that the 2012 shift and the new paradigm offers us. For more information visit

Nicki's Women of Wisdom Workshop is Sunday, February 17, 9am to 4:30pm

We are in the midst of a massive global shift. How do we transform these changes into opportunities for personal, community and global healing? During this workshop we will examine those changes and apply shamanistic and Alchemical Healing tools from my latest book, Planetary Healing: Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation. In order to participate in consciously co-creating our future, we need tools to help us adapt to and survive the toxic environment we've created while we engage in spontaneous evolution and DNA repair. We will explore the oracular dimension of time to experience and align with our potential future as fully realized humans. During my presentation, I will share powerful shamanic journeys and initiations to catalyze deep transformation, healing, and the visioning and development of new solutions. Normandi Ellis will be joining in this workshop. More info here.

Free Planetary Healing Call to Action April 25, 6-7pm Pacific, 9-10pm Eastern

Right now I'm thinking about Women's Issues. I will have just returned from Egypt and Jordan, and I have a sense that there will be plenty for us to work on. Perhaps we can come up with a new journey to empower women and/or decrease misogyny. Your ideas are welcome. Please learn more about our bi-monthly Calls to Action at Register for the call here.

Alchemical Healing Levels I and II Tele/Web/Skype Seminars with Nicki

Mondays and Thursdays Level I April 29 - May 9; Level II May 13 - 23

I've been doing tele-seminars and phone bridges for at least a dozen years, and have learned the power and intimacy that can be experienced as you learn from the comfort and sanctuary of your home. Now that I'm researching and discovering new technologies that have features that allow me to customize our calls with break-out groups and other ways to improve our communications, I'm finding much greater potential for expanding my ability to share my work in this way.

Our first class with this new technology will be the solid, base material for all my work: Alchemical Healing. I will present levels I and II consecutively, but as separate classes so that if you've taken level I from me or any certified Alchemical Healing teacher, you can either repeat it or start with Level II. Conversely, you can take Level I to put your foot in these waters and see it this work is right for you. Each level will have four two-hour classes and will include homework practices and some reading. It is best if you already have my book, Alchemical Healing, A Guide to Spiritual, Physical, and Transformational Medicine, which is our main textbook. We will also be using Power Animal Meditations, Shamanic Journeys with your Spirit Allies. The third part of the Alchemical Healing trilogy is Planetary Healing, Spirit medicine for Global Transformation, co-written with my husband Mark Hallert. Students who order any three books published by Bear & Co. on our site will get a $30 percent discount.

To learn more about Alchemical Healing and what you will learn in these classes, visit our classes page. Online registration here.

Hope to see you in Seattle or in phone space soon.

Blessings and Love,
Nicki Scully
