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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Nicki giving Alcehmical Healing to AcaciaDear Friends,

In our last newsletter I offered a short, simple recording of a generic Alchemical Healing. It was both a gift and an experiment, and I was pleased to get feedback that it worked! Here is a quote from a letter I got from Rita F., a long time friend and student, and a link to the recording which will remain on my website. Feel free to pass it around:

"…I began by choosing to focus on an area of my upper left arm that has been somewhat stiff and painful. I made a sweeping windmill movement with that arm as an initial range of mobility 'check-in'.

I appreciated the quiet, succinct instructions of the recording and, as always, the sound of your voice. My arm was open to receive.

Prompted by your instructions, a sense of hands, etherically larger and more expansive than 'human' ones, surrounded the area followed by infusions of comfrey and nettle and a buzzing bee ( first deeply vibrating the area and then applying soothing honey). It was as though my arm was able to rest and be held in 'TLC' land. I made an agreement that this lovely treatment combo would/could continue at a later time --including when I slept, if necessary:)

When I 'test' my arm now--maybe 60 minutes after 'treatment' there is marked improvement in flexibility and comfort. Thank you for this online recording gift, Nicki. It's an effective and much appreciated way to share what you do…"

Alchemical Healing Journey

My new book, The Union of Isis and Thoth, Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt, co-authored with Normandi Ellis, my favorite author on all things Egyptian and a soul sister in the Work, is finally at the printers. Normandi and I have given almost two decades of Mystery Schools and led at least six tours to Egypt together. Normandi is both a priestess and a personification of Isis, and because I hold a Thoth lineage and am privileged to represent his wisdom, this book is the offspring of our "union." In the seventeen or so Mystery Schools we held at my home, the essence of our work was to build a sacred etheric moon temple, dedicated to Thoth and consecrated through ritual and magic much like it was done by ancient adepts, in order to contain and sustain the Egyptian Mysteries we were given to share in our school. Our book is an initiatic guide to temple building on the spiritual and physical planes, including how to consecrate yourself to become a vessel suitable for divine wisdom and as a home for your personal dieties. Once the temples are built and the relationships with the Egyptian pantheon created, we provide guidance through shamanic journeys to help you discover and use your access to higher spiritual bodies and oracular gifts to learn about ascension, shamanic death and renewal, soul retrieval and healing, exploring multidimensional realities, and more. By creating a sacred temple within and without, we each can take part in the union of Isis and Thoth, and restore the magic of the Egyptian mysteries to our time.

I will have copies of The Union of Isis and Thoth in time to sign and send them to you so you will receive them the first week of December. If you want to get some as gifts, be sure to let me know to whom I should sign them. We are offering quantity specials at our online store, Please place your order for signed holiday gifts in plenty of time, as I will be out of the country between December 12 and 19.

I will be doing presentations with signings at New Renaissance Books in Portland Saturday, December 5, and East West Bookshop in Seattle Sunday, December 6. My presentations will include a ritual/shamanic journey from the book. Our book launch party at Tsunami Books in Eugene will include wine and snacks as well as an experiential talk and signing. Normandi will be leading a tour in Egypt, but she will be with us in the words and the magic we co-created. Please come and help us make it a worthy celebration. Now that this book we've been dreaming for all these years is completed, Normandi and I are proud and amazed and can't wait to share it with you!

Free Call: Personal and Planetary Healing Call to Action

Sunday, November 8, 10-11AM Pacific Standard Time.

It's time for another Personal and Planetary Healing Call to Action. For those who are unfamiliar with these, they are free conference calls where we do an Alchemical Healing ceremony to help ourselves and our planet. When you register, you can leave a note regarding what you think we should be working on at the moment. I then choose a ritual or rite from our Planetary Healing, Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation book, or create a new one for the occasion. Because the call is attended by people from around the world, we create a strong field from which to exercise the exponential power of our numbers as we work together to achieve our intended goal. Please join our growing intentional healing community, and spread the word. The more we work together, the more we can make magic happen. For more information and to listen to past Calls, go to

Register Online

Alchemical Healing Level I Teleclass

I will be offering a tele-seminar in four parts on November 9th, 12th, 16th and 19th, from 5:30-7:30pm Pacific time. I am offering this basic Alchemical Healing course by phone so that those who can't find a teacher in their area, or can't come to my yearly intensive retreat have an opportunity to study Alchemical Healing with me. Each evening will include empowerments, demonstrations, practice and discussions. There may be opportunities for practice with other participants during private exchanges by phone with pre-determined partners during some of the calls and/or in between classes. This is a powerful and economical way to support your own study of the books (Alchemical Healing, Power Animal Meditations and Planetary Healing), and learn techniques of Alchemical Healing utilizing the latest in conference phone technology from the comfort of your home.

For a powerful interview with Julia Griffin with an explanation and demonstration of Alchemical Healing, check our Podcasts Page.

Please see testimonials from this year's classes below.

To learn more about the Alchemical Healing Teleclass, and to register, please visit: Alchemical Healing Level I Phone Bridge Class

Find out about Private Healing Sessions with Nicki Scully…

The Goddess Inside: Women of Spirit Weekend

November 20-22, Camp Chesterfield, Indiana

A call to ALL WOMEN; How might your life have been different if there had been a place for you? A place for you to go, a place of women to help you learn the ways of woman, a place where you were nurtured form an ancient flow sustaining you and steadying you as you sought to become yourself. A place of women to help you find and trust the ancient flow already there within yourself, waiting to be released…. A Place of Women………How might YOUR life be different? Join us for a weekend immersed in the spirit of intuition, alchemy, self-discovery, and Egypt with workshops presented by Normandi Ellis, Indigo Rønlov, Amy Ausset Rohn and Sonja Phoenix Isenhart. Come join us at Camp Chesterfield for Women of Spirit weekend. Four workshops for a great value. November 20th – 22nd

For more information, and to register, please visit: The Goddess Inside: Women of Spirit Weekend

Grab the early bird registration until October 30th!

Astral Egypt: Living and Dreaming Together

An Egyptian Mysteries Tour with Normandi Ellis & Indigo Rønlov
April 21 - May 5, 2016

Please join Normandi and Indigo as they introduce you to the ancient yet very present Egyptian neteru, the goddesses and gods of Egypt, in their magnificent temples and monuments. These sacred sites are living—they still contain the energy and intentions of the adepts who built them.

Each person that is called to one of our tours to Egypt brings his or her unique perspective and vision, and their piece of the puzzle that completes the alchemy that we create together as we explore Egypt and her ancient mysteries together. On this tour, lead by famed award winning author and Spiritualist minister Normandi Ellis, and ecopsychologist and Minister of Walking Prayer Indigo Rønlov, you will have ample opportunity to explore your personal and collective transpersonal piece of the puzzle through dreams, visioning, writing (Normandi is an incredible writing teacher), and rituals and initiations that are designed to give you direct access to the Egyptian pantheon and the knowledge they wish to impart at each of the monuments you will visit.

You will spend nine nights on the Nile on the Dahabeya Afandina, and the rest of the time luxuriating at the Mena House Garden hotel, directly across from the Great Pyramid. This tour is filling quickly, so don't delay if you want to participate. Indigo is in Egypt now preparing for a full tour that is arriving later this week, and Normandi will be on another one this December.



This summer I received several wonderful testimonials following the Sekhmet: In The Belly of The Goddess Retreat in May and the Personal & Planetary Alchemical Healing Retreat in August.

On our last session of the Sekhmet: In The Belly of The Goddess TeleClass, we journeyed to the White Desert in Egypt to rebuild our skeletal system. The following is part of a letter received from one of my students, Stefanie A.:

The White Desert in Egypt

"The desert was an interesting place…the memories of the ancient ones. I am in my mind journeying there as I write this to you. A powerful place. The strength I feel in my bones is surprising. I never saw myself that way before… I am coming together and my skeleton is forming on its own as if it knows what needs to be done and to be healed and it draws on the minerals in the desert and forms itself. There is complete trust. I know what to do. I am in the belly of Sekhmet and she is very proud of the work I have just done, and I am proud too."

This is from Dee K., Personal & Planetary Alchemical Healing Retreat August 2015:

Wounded Healing Tree “I cannot thank you enough for the program this august, it has rebooted every aspect of my life with such zeal and freshness and truth.

I have since done another session with a client and it was transformative—what happened and how it shifted so quickly for her—she called it 'Reiki on crack' Haha! But the joking aside, she has reported such profound shifts, as did my previous client…”

From Matthew C. S.:

“My Heart-Breath reverberates multi-dimensional Love to You and your many collective causes. hellip;You are indeed the Oracle who introduced me to the alchemic wisdom of bonding Egyptian architecture with Star based gnostic elixirs… You solve the Maze of Clues and Views with singular stitch… Such Beauty in Truth. Such Cosmic Crone unfolding proof of Seeded connection. Thank you , dear Nicki, for so many Pearls upon the string of Knowing…

I wish you all an abundant, hearty harvest, peace in your hearts, and compassion and love in all your words and actions.


Nicki Scully


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