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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

the Anubis Oracle cards

Dear Friends,

Pick a card, any card… Better yet, let our new website pick the cards for you and get a sample reading from The Anubis Oracle.
Last week we announced the release of The Anubis Oracle. This week we got the website up, and already we are getting feedback about how amazing the reading is that we are offering. The book and deck of cards has eight unique ways of using this oracle, and we have chosen one of the layouts to make available online. This will provide you with the opportunity to experience a little of the breadth and depth of this deck and the family of the Egyptian neteru that have come forward to guide and support us through these turbulent times.

Recently I was Gloria’s guest on A Voice for Spirit, and introduced The Anubis Oracle to an international audience. I took a question from a listener, and gave a reading for all those who were on the bridge. We have created a podcast of that reading and put it up on the new site to give you a taste of how this oracle works. Although it was an individual’s question, the answer seemed to work for all the participants on the call.

I will be available beginning in December for Anubis Oracle readings in addition to and in combination with my Alchemical Healing and shamanic consulting practice.

Please make sure you are registered and vote! And if you are traveling like me, get your absentee ballot in plenty of time.



Good Vibrations!

By Gloria Taylor Brown

The Element of Air

I have received some inquiries from people since my article on personal psychic protection about how you can raise your vibration rate.

Here are 10 things you can do that will create a higher level of vibration:

  • Gratitude: When you wake up in the morning, list 5 things you are grateful for that day. It can be as simple as “I am grateful I woke up this morning” or expressing gratitude for your home, your family, and your life. Express your gratitude for what you want to happen, as well as what has already happened.
  • Forgiveness: forgive anyone who you are angry with, hurt by, had difficulty with, now or in the past. Forgiveness is not about the other person, it is for you. And the person you probably need to forgive the most is yourself.
  • Clean up your room or desk: Clutter lowers your vibration, and creates uproar in your life. Get rid of anything you don’t need or haven’t used in a significant period of time.
  • Wear brighter colored clothes. If you find you are wearing lots of black, or dark and muddy colors, try wearing colors for a change.
  • Listen to music that makes you happy, that uplifts your soul.
  • Find a group of people who also want to increase their vibrational level, and hang out with them.
  • Laugh. Laugh a lot. Watch movies that make you laugh. Tell jokes.
  • Play with young children. Let them direct your actions, and BE a little kid again.
  • Love. Surround yourself with things, people and places that you love.
  • Sing a joyful song. Even if you can’t hold a tune, singing gets more oxygen into your body, and raises your vibrations.

I know that some of these ideas seem simple, and obvious, but I know that I need to be reminded occasionally of how to maintain a higher level of vibration.


Blessings on your journey, Gloria

A Voice for Spirit

The next A Voice for Spirit will broadcast Oct. 9th , 6:00 PM PDT (9:00PM EDT), with special guest Maya White, Astro-Analyst and author of the brand new Astrology Oracle.

For more information go to A Voice for Spirit is an ongoing series of oracular messages.

Click here to register for this broadcast.

the Anubis Oracle is LIVE!

We are so pleased to announce the launch of the new website which has a free online reading available.

The Anubis Oracle authored by Nicki Scully and Linda Star Wolf, illustrated by Kris Waldherr, is a shamanic guide to Inner Egypt, a place of mysteries, ancestral wisdom and abiding love that resides within each of us. It is a place where the archetypal deities and elemental spirits from the Egyptian pantheon lead us on a journey of divination designed to open our hearts and teach us the inner workings of the soul.

We have the cards in stock now in Eugene, and have a special limited time offer available for you until Oct. 17th: click here for details and to purchase this oracle online.

Nicki at New Renaissance Books

Thursday, October 9, 7-8:30 pm $14

Join Nicki for an Anubis Oracle mini-workshop and book signing in Portland, Oregon. New Renaissance Books, 1338 NW 23rd Av, phone 503-224-4929.

Alcehmical Healing by Nicki Scully

Alchemical Healing I
with Jeya Aerenson and Dea Lisk

Six consecutive Thursdays starting October 16 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM in Eugene, Oregon. Email for more information. Phone: 541-686-1515 or 541-543-8832

For updated events and a full schedule, please go to our schedules page.

Shamanic Journeys, Ltd.



All images and text ©2008 Shamanic Journeys, Ltd, Nicki Scully, Linda Star Wolf, and Kris Waldherr. All Rights Reserved.






