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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

The first copies of our new book, The Union of Isis and Thoth, Magic and Initiatory Practices from Ancient Egypt, co-authored with Normandi Ellis, arrived while I was in New York, and I am signing anf illing orders now. Go to to place your order, and look for the special discounts for multiple Inner Traditions/Bear & Co. books. (More on the book and launch below.)

I'm writing this in the air as I fly home from a wonderful visit with my daughter Sage and her loving and inspirational family in New York. I am so proud and happy for her. BlueAny time spent with any of my grandchildren is a treat beyond compare. Wiley is eight months and Blue is four, so the time between visits creates unimaginable changes. Blue is rapidly growing into a brilliant, articulate child who constantly amazes me with her wit and insight, and she is more beautiful than any of the Disney princesses that she loves to emulate… Wiley is an adorable chunk of a hunk—very masculine, yet cuddly and sweet as can be. The adoration that flows between the two of them is something to behold; such blessings make my heart swell and my soul sing with delight and gratitude. As I write this I am reminded of the similarities between these and a couple of other wonderful urchins. I have six grandchildren now (three pairs)— two of the pairs have the older sister dynamic and the other are a pair of boys. WileyThe boys have always “out boyed” each other, and the house has been shaken on occasion with their energy. No matter which pair I visit the surprise of the changes in the few months (or even weeks) between visits is always stunning.

The Sunshine Makers

During our last night together we went to see a new movie some of you will find interesting. It was the world premier of The Sunshine Makers, the story of Nick Sand and Tim Scully (no relation), creators of millions of hits of Sunshine Acid, and their attempt to change the world for the better. Nick and Tim, along with the movie makers and some of the characters did a Q and A following the showing (it took up two theaters at the New York Documentary Film Festival) that was interesting and informative, as was the movie. I can speak from personal knowledge and experience of the times and the characters—it conveys what went down and why with humor and style, and most importantly, accuracy (with certain editorial license…) I appreciate that the producer/director, Cosmo Feilding Mellen, in spite of the fact that he probably hadn't been born yet when most of the events that he chronicled happened, did a great job capturing the history and the nuanced feelings of the people and the times. He even managed to include interviews with cops that spent decades attempting to capture our heroes. He re-enacted prison time and other key events, and included extra-ordinary real-time laboratory footage. As you can imagine, the characters that set out to change the world, and did, were and still are, the real deal.

Launch Party and Northwest Mini-Tour

Tsunami Books, Eugene

Normandi and I worked on the material for this book for almost two decades, and we can't wait to hear your feedback on the results of our efforts. Although we hope you will buy your copies from my online store, we hope you send reviews to Amazon, GoodReads, Facebook and any magazines with which you are affiliated, or that you think would be interested.

Please come celebrate with me at my launch party in Eugene, which will take place on December 10 at Tsunami Books, 2585 Willamette St. in Eugene. As usual there will be some social time with wine and snacks and a short talk culminating with an initiation from the book.

If you are from Portland or Seattle, or know people who are, please join me at New Renaissance Bookstore in Portland on Saturday, December 5 at 2 PM and East-West Books in Seattle Sunday, December 6, 1 - 3 PM. I will be speaking about the book and giving a rite of passage or initiation as part of my presentation; so come prepared for a magical experience! Please let your friends in those areas know that I will be there.

We are also doing a number of radio and webcast interviews, both separately and together, and will try to let you know when we can be heard on air. Stay tuned to the schedule page on my main website, We are adding new interviews and events.

For this book we are going to try something new, a virtual book launch party. We want to have time to prepare and to create a special party favor, so we've set the date at January 28, 2016 4 - 7PM Pacific. We will let you know the time, and Normandi and I will be available to answer questions, chat casually, and take you on a magical journey from the book during about 2-3 hours on line. We'll let you know more about this as it develops.

Indigo in EgyptEgypt Tours, 2016

April 21-May 5

Normandi Ellis and Indigo Rønlov are leading a tour to Egypt together this April 21 - May 5: Astral Egypt: Living and Dreaming Together Please register your interest and we will send you the application and other materials right away. In the off chance that you are being scared off from Egypt by current events in Sinai and Europe, don't let fear run your lives. Our October 2015 group co-led by Indigo with Sandy Corcoran just returned a few days ago. The participants had an amazing, magical pilgrimage that has transformed their lives, and there wasn't a single moment when anyone felt fear. The people of Egypt are particularly happy to see Americans at the moment, as it is only the spiritual groups that seem to understand that Egypt is as safe as anywhere, and more so than most. Nicki and Normandi, EgyptThe only difference Indigo felt was heightened security, and the knowledge that they were either tracked or accompanied and watched over by tourist police throughout their time in Egypt. Also, although there were other groups and boats moving about, they were able to get the temples mostly to themselves, even when they didn't go during off-hours for their special private visits.

Normandi is leading another group to Egypt in a couple of weeks. This group is actually full and with a waiting list, so don't wait too long if you want to go in April. Shamanic Journeys, Ltd. is also sponsoring two tours next fall. Indigo and special guest Hope Medford will be hosting a tour October 12-26. The theme for this tour is Conscious Creation and Rhythms of Manifestation, ancient Egyptian style! It will be followed by another with Normandi and Indigo tentatively set for October 28 - November 11, 2016. Details will be posted on our website soon. Meanwhile, here is an excerpt from a letter I received from one of our participants in Egypt a couple of weeks ago with Indigo and Sandra Corcoran:

Dear Nicki,
I just wanted to write to you today and let you know that we are all having a truly magical time on the Afandina. Indigo and Sandy are co-creating the most beautiful and sacred journey for us, and the group has bonded beautifully. The alchemy is flowing gracefully as we enter more deeply into the Mysteries. I have already had some of the most special and profound experiences in my life . . . I know deep in my soul that I will return to Egypt again and again in the future.

Thank you Nicki for all your work, and for creating Shamanic Journeys. You have gifted all those who answer the call of Egypt the opportunity to experience her Mysteries in magical and profound ways.

Sending you so much Love and the Blessings of the Neteru from the beautiful Nile.

—A. Walsh

I'm about to land in Eugene, and have my last of four Alchemical Healing Level I tele-classes this evening. The feedback on this class has been remarkable. I love it that people are willing to take a chance that such an intimate topic can be conveyed in a conference call, however no one was disappointed. Here is part of a note I received about one of my students' experience:

Dear Nicki,
…I don't feel that anything is being missed by doing it in this way… The Alchemical Healing is perfect for what I've been looking for in deepening my connection to the plants and animal totems. I will continue to finish the book and then go on with the next levels with you. I am also planning on coming to Oregon in the summer to do your intensive!! I look forward to learning from you!

—TS Ackerman

Egyptian Mysteries Retreat, 2014Stay tuned for dates and details for tele-classes and retreats, and other events coming up in 2016. Here's a start:

Egyptian Mysteries Retreat

August 24-29 with Normandi Ellis and Nicki

Now that our book is out, we are being instructed that it is time to start the next round of Mystery School. Please join us. Save the dates and we will let you know the details soon.

Personal and Planetary Healing Intensive

August 4 - 8, 2016 with Nicki

Again, save the dates for this one.

Register Online

Hope to see you at one of our upcoming events. Although I wish for each and every one of you to have a safe and joyful Thanksgiving, let's all try to remember that every day is an opportunity to be thankful for the many blessings that abound. And for those less fortunate than we, may your pain recede, may your losses be mitigated by love and support, and may you find succor and friendship in your time of need. With special prayers for those trapped by fear and terror, and the refugees, especially the children, who need a warm place to shelter and fresh food and water,

photo by Tarek Lotfymay your holiday season be filled with love and joy enough to go around,

PS: I'm looking for interesting photos or illustrations of Sekhmet to include in my book. If you have something and want to send it to me it must be high resolution, and I will have to have permission (I will send you a slip to sign) from the artist or photogropher. Please send it to with “Sekhmet book illustration” in the subject line. I might be interested in adding a few invocations, if they fit well into the text. Please send to the same email with “Sekhmet book invocation” in the subject line. Be sure to put your full name and contact information so I can send you the permission request. Thank you!


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