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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,
Such a crazy time on the planet, yet here at home, it is relatively sane. A bumper crop of apples has been keeping me busy, and I still have to deal with the pumpkins and make some healthy face cream before I call it quits and leave for Egypt.

Please join us for the next free Planetary Healing Call to Action, this Wednesday, October 15. For the last many years we have been focusing on many of the challenges plaguing our world, but we can't forget cancer. I've been breast cancer free for 22 years, and it still shocks me every time we lose another person, friend or acquaintance to cancer. It just doesn't seem right. And I know how difficult it is for the people supporting the person who is ill. So please join us for our special healing ceremony for cancer. More information and online registration here…

My best piece of advice on the “how to deal with cancer” subject hasn't changed much in 22 years— If you have cancer, choose your path to healing based on your highest inner guidance and from all the information you are given by your oncologist and then go for it 100%. I combined many regimens, including chemo, radiation, Alchemical Healing, acupuncture, herbs and nutrition. If you are supporting someone, support their choices 100%. Regardless what choice a person makes, it's their life and their choice, and any negativity or controversy will just make it harder. More than likely, they are already overwhelmed with suggestions and information. I think it is relevant to note that great strides have been made in diagnostics and Western medical therapies since my personal experience, and I am an advocate for whatever works. Even my oncologist agreed that attitude is of utmost importance. If fear is a problem, I recommend the article on my website, Transforming Fear with Anubis. That journey is also published in Planetary Healing, Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation (written by me and my husband, Mark Hallert), as is a version of my notes regarding how I went through it, also printed in my article, Counting Coup on Cancer. The book includes a chapter on cancer which has the directions for the parabola ceremony that we will do on Wednesday. It also includes a CD, Making Spirit Medicine, which is a guided visualization ceremony for working on healing almost anything.

Miracles do happen; in fact they are happening all around us all the time. Although I've seen many miracles, I believe that the more open you can keep your heart, the more likely you will be available to one happening for you. Breathing the Heart Breath (linked article includes the Heart Breath practice), being around beauty, and laughing as deeply and as often as possible are all good ways to stay more awake and available to a miracle.

The Kuan Yin Journey for Healing CD (Music by Roland Barker, accompanied by Jerry Garcia) can be received for free by emailing our office or ordering it online with a note that it is for someone with cancer, AIDS, leukemia, or any potentially fatal disease. Please note that if you purchase either this or the CD …And You Will Fly, that money goes into a fund (The Sahalie Foundation) to make more copies to give away. …And you Will Fly is for children 4-11 or so who are dealing with potentially terminal diseases. It's a great radio play with amazing music that all children will enjoy. If you wanted to buy one as a gift for a healthy child, you can suggest that if and when they find another child who is ill, they can give it away and call our office to replace it.

Even though I'll be in Egypt for the entire month of November, I'll be available for private sessions (another great gift idea) via Skype except during our tour, which is from November 9-23. However, I will continue to remind you about the Seminar at Sea cruise up the Inside Passage from Seattle to Alaska and back, with some great teachers and opportunities for ceremonies along the way. I will be teaching workshops, doing private sessions, and leading and participating in ceremony. And there will be plenty of time to hang out and enjoy the view, the food, and the visits to various stops along the way. Do sign up right away, as we have heard that the boat (not the seminar) is almost full. I'll let you know when it's too late, but if you've ever wanted to see that most beautiful part of our world, this would be a great time and I would love to share it with you. Please remember to let them know you heard about it from me so I will get the credit towards my trip.

Blessings and Love,
Nicki Scully

Spirit of Alaska Cruise: Seminar at Sea

June 12 ~ 19, 2015

Come join Nicki and Mark on an incredible luxury cruise from Seattle up through Alaska's Inside Passage, with some of the most profound speakers, readers, healers, and exhibitors of our time! The theme is shamanism, and Nicki is delighted that some of her old shaman friends will be teaching on this cruise. The Spirit of Alaska Holistic Cruise and Seminar-at-Sea will take place June 12 - 19, 2015 on the luxurious Royal Caribbean Jewel of the Seas, sailing from Seattle to the awe-inspiring glaciers and ports of Alaska. We have just learned that the boat itself is filling rapidly, so if you want to be part of the seminar at sea, DON'T WAIT to sign up or it will be full! Also, don't forget to mention Nicki as your referral when you register so that she can get credit for your presence.

AND, Nicki will be celebrating her birthday on this cruise!! Come join us in celebration of her life and wisdom in one of the most pristine and natural wonderlands!

For more information and to book your trip, please visit:

Again, when you register, please make sure you enter my name, Nicki Scully, as a "Referral" on the registration form at


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