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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Dreaming of a White SolsticeWinter Solstice is upon us, and the long nights of this season are a good time to reflect on the state of our personal wellbeing and the future we want to create with our collective energies for ourselves and our planet. We (Mark and Nicki) perceive the universal intelligence as a willing partner, giving back to us that which we direct. Our wishes can come true when we resonate together, joining our hearts and our higher minds in the miracle of co-creation. Yet our dreams can be greater than what can be contained in a sentence or a story. It is in the dark of the mystery that magic occurs, and ideas as well as seeds are germinated—these long nights provide ample time to explore the possibilities and employ the tools that work for you.

Mark and I came to an understanding of the power of our participation in the creation of our future in the early ’90s when I was going through treatment for breast cancer. There was and still is a strong bent towards leaving the heavy lifting to a “higher power”. Our task, which is very illuminating and empowering, is to align our intentions while communicating them with the larger, higher mind.

Here is a short piece from our book, Planetary Healing, Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation that may give some insight into the evolution of our process. It is the introduction to Part V, and introduces the chapters on Intelligent Evolution, Shamanism, and the powerful processes that follow. It also sums up where we might deviate from mainstream thinking on our response-abilities regarding our personal participation in the trajectory of our species, and our capacity to adapt and even mutate.

Book Excerpt: Self-Realization

Some years ago, I had the honor of opening for Ram Dass at an event in San Francisco. This was during the time when I toured with Tribal Alchemy, a band that came together to make music for my journeys. These were my rock-star moments, and I had some of the most exciting times in my career playing at festivals and working with the energies of both the crowd and the band while empowering the people through visualizations.

I first met Ram Dass in the Haight-Ashbury section of San Francisco in 1967 where he was advising the Straight Theater people, with whom I was associated. It was one of the original Straight Theater producers who invited me to present at this event nearly forty years later. Although I never knew him well, Ram Dass and I moved in parallel circles and were well aware of each other. I was delighted these many years later that he was interested in what I was doing and chose to pay extra close attention to my performance. I was eager for his feedback. He was quite supportive of my work, letting me know that he appreciated what I was doing and liked the images I was presenting. Then he asked me if I was conscious of having suggested to the audience, in my introduction, that they could recreate themselves however they wanted when they came out of the void in the journey. He pointed out that, in fact, I had used the word want several times. In very clear terms, he let me know that he found that direction inappropriate.

After receiving this feedback from Ram Dass, I was extremely careful to make sure that the directions in my journeys pointed people into alignment with divine will, rather than their own. Later, when some of the work that came through required a greater level of ownership for our actions and creations, I became a bit conflicted. Some of the exercises and processes I was directing required participants (myself included!) to step up to the plate from a place of inner authority and responsible creativity.

As I became more comfortable with the realization that we are children of the gods or of some greater intelligence, and that we are learning to accept and step more fully into recognition of our own divinity, I found myself on the brink of a shift in my own deeply held beliefs about co-creation and its implications on our personal responsibilities and capabilities.

If we are truly to participate in creating spirit medicine for global transformation, it requires us to live our truth, to act in accordance with the wisdom we gain from our day-to-day experience—in both the physical and inner worlds. It commits us to being exemplars of the Golden Rule, and to be upright in our relationships and our dealings. It forces us to be accountable for our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. Sometimes it catalyzes movement into new territory, where we become available to forge new ideas and new solutions. The most exciting—albeit the most difficult stretch for me to make—has been the realization that we are good enough, smart enough, and responsible enough to take action on our own. I have come to believe that we contribute to the creation by using our divine right to influence life and the future from a place of heart-centered presence with our own High Self, the place of our purest inner authority and power. In order to fully realize our potential as human beings on planet Earth, and to prepare for whatever new challenges the future may bring, we not only take responsibility for our actions, we stretch ourselves to participate fully in the co-creative conscious evolutionary processes that will carry us forward.

Planetary Healing Call to Action

To this end we are creating our second Call to Action, on January 12, 2012 at 6pm Pacific (9pm Eastern). You can join this free call via phone, Skype or webcast. Register for this event here. It takes about an hour to an hour and fifteen to complete the introduction, the process, and the sharing. The response and feedback from our recent call was quite wonderful. All who responded felt a profound shift as they imbibed the spirit medicine we created together in our inner-dimensional communal cauldron. (You can listen to the call here. You can also listen to a full version of the journey with the wonderful musical back-up on the produced version that is included with our Planetary Healing Book.)

For our next Call to Action we plan to take everyone who participates on another deep and provocative ceremony that includes empowerments from chapters 3 and 18 (Intelligent Evolution). Thoth's Magic Diamond and the DNA repair/activation journeys will be combined with a few special additions so that participants achieve both personal and planetary healing and transformation through this powerful world-wide community action. We feel that now is the time for radical change in both perspective and blueprint. We hope you will join our Call to Action, and also become a part of new online community we are building. Please go to to learn more about the things we can do to help heal our planet—together we can make a difference! Please share this information with your spiritual circles.



Danielle Hoffmann and Friedemann Schaub just returned last week from another magical tour of Egypt. Our beautiful dahabeya was filled to capacity, and I spoke with them almost every day they were there. Despite the frequent protests in Cairo and Alexandria, and the first elections since the initial uprising, our group was welcomed warmly by Egyptians wherever they went, and completed every visit in their itinerary. Each person reported to have felt that their presence in Egypt was important as well as safe. Although tourism is down considerably from a year ago, there were many Europeans, Australians and people from other countries touring Egypt, albeit few Americans. As soon as they returned, they booked the dahabeya again for the only dates available, in September of 2012. More info on this new trip here.

There are only a few places left in William Henry's Stargate Tour this coming February 14-27. I highly recommend this tour for anyone whose dream of Egypt resonates with this wonderful visionary. You can learn more about William at, and find details for this tour on our site here.

Nicki and Normandi at Sakkara, 2011My tour with Alex and Allyson Grey, February 12-26 is fully booked, with a rather lengthy waiting list.

October 20-November 3, 2012—The next time I will be co-leading an Egypt tour will be with Normandi Ellis this fall. We will once again turn our luxurious living room on the dahabeya into a writing studio, and journal our experiences as did the tour group whose writings were just published in the book, Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt, by Normandi Ellis and Gloria Taylor Brown. I highly recommend this book for anyone who has been to Egypt or is interested in traveling there. This tour is filling rapidly, so if you want to travel with us on this amazing writing and Egyptian Mysteries pilgrimage, best sign up soon.

Holiday Specials

We are offering a 30% discount on all books by me (we are also including Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt by Normandi Ellis and Gloria Taylor Brown and Temples of Light by Danielle Hoffmann) If you want to take advantage of our holiday specials and want our products to arrive in time for Christmas, please place your order in the next few days. For these and other wonderful gift ideas, please see

We are about to head off to Florida to be with our new granddaughter and her dad’s family. It will be a time for relaxation and joy, and a welcome change of weather! Our office will be closed from December 24 until January 2. We will respond to email, however all orders placed after December 23 will be shipped as soon as we return.

2012 Upcoming Events (more coming soon…)

January 12: Planetary Healing Call to Action

February 14 - 27: Stargate Egypt, with William Henry
There are only a very few places left in this wonderful adventure to Egypt. See the trip page for details.

May 10-14: Egyptian Mysteries in Eugene
with Normandi Ellis and Nicki, details to be announced
Based on what we did on our last tour in Egypt and during our most recent Egyptian Mysteries retreat, we will be moving forward and deeper into the mysteries of Thoth and Isis. We will be bringing the energies expressed in the sacred sites and temples of Egypt home, so that wherever we stand, wherever we are, the power of these mysteries will be accessible to us. See this for details, although the breadth of what we will cover is still a mystery.

July: Oregon Country Fair, July 13-15

Alchemical and Planetary Healing Retreats: I am currently planning and working out dates for a combination retreat. If you have a preference, now it the time to let me know, while there is still some flexibility. I will make my decision shortly after the first of the year.

October 20-November 3, An Egyptian Mysteries Journey to Egypt writing tour with Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully
Let us know soon if this tour is of interest to you, as it is filling rapidly.

Now that the book is published, Mark and I have been enjoying our book presentations up and down the West Coast. We've seen old friends, family, and met lots of new people. What a delight to be able to play together and share the fruits of our more than quarter of a century together.

We will be updating our schedule and letting you know about more events shortly after the New Year.

We wish you blessings of health, joy, and abundance throughout this holiday season,
Nicki Scully and Mark Hallert
