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Shamanic Journeys & Alchemical Healing Monthly Newsletter

Camel Ride at the PyramidsDear Friends,

I have recently returned from another amazing journey to Egypt with Alex and Allyson Grey. This journey was particularly cohesive and harmonious, and we were able to complete an alchemical process in line with the dreams and development of CoSM and the ancient mysteries of Egypt. CoSM, Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors, is a gorgeous sacred place of art and reflection that recently moved from New York City to Allison Silva's rendering of our alchemical process.Wappingers Falls, NY, where Alex and Allyson are creating conscious community based in sacred visionary art. This was the second tour we did together in Egypt, and once again we achieved a level of magic within the Egyptian Mysteries that astounded us all. Our Alchemical Gold, the outcome of our process as we moved through the mysteries with the guidance and assistance of our beloved Egyptian neteru and Emil, our magician Egyptologist, resulted in a philosophers' stone built within each of us (and collectively) for both personal and planetary healing. Sunrise at Deir el-BahariWe feel a great potential for this Work to develop in physical as well as metaphysical realms as this inner work develops into physical manifestations such as art and temple building. There were a number of accomplished artists in our group so we were able to capture the vision of our process from several unique perspectives (for a stellar example see the drawing by Allison Silva above).

For those of you that are interested in what's going on politically in Egypt, here is what Tahrir Square looks and feels like these days. Look familiar? Tahrir Square, February 2012Reminds me of our Occupy movements, or at least the ones I visited in New York and Eugene. Most importantly, things are peaceful and we were welcomed everywhere we traveled, now is an important time to visit Egypt. Their economy is really suffering for lack of tourists, which, when looked at from my point of view as a tour leader, means far more privacy to do our visits, as long as we understand the timing. Certain places we still do with special permits because the best times are sunrise or evenings, when the sites are closed to the public.

About Mark:

Meanwhile, right now, as I write this newsletter, I am sitting in a waiting room while my beloved husband Mark is being prepared to undergo surgery for carpel tunnel on his left wrist. I have decided to make this newsletter my offering for his successful completion and rapid recovery, as this is the first of two such surgeries required. So as I write, I am attempting to make each word part of a prayer. When Mark had his knee replaced some years ago, I sat in the waiting room of the hospital and made tobacco ties the entire time, which I later brought into the sweat lodge as offerings to the spirits and gratitude for their support.

Mark HallertHaving just returned from Egypt, I am feeling deeply connected with the pantheon, the family of the Egyptian Neteru and others with whom we have intimate relationships in the spirit world. I call upon them at this time to be by Mark's side throughout this procedure, and that both Sekhmet and Anubis guard him and guide the hands of his surgeon. Any healing prayers you wish to offer as he recuperates are welcome and appreciated.

As I consider how to support Mark, I am reflecting on all that we've experienced together since Winter Solstice, 1985, and how our love has deepened over the years as we discovered the magic of our partnership and the many ways in which we complete each other. Mark is my best friend. I used to call him my conscience, because he would always call me on any arrogance, self-aggrandizement, or other unconscious parts of my "evil twin" as he calls that more self-absorbed part of me. The first quality that captured my attention (besides his obvious good looks and the rave recommendation from his sister and another of our old friends) was and still is his kindness. His kindness is profound, and when I listen to the music that was a great source of guidance during a large part of my life, whenever I heard the lyrics, "Woh, oh what I want to know is are you kind", I would smile with the true knowledge that Mark was indeed kind, and an exemplar for kindness in this world.

Dr. Dreyer just came out to tell me that Mark is fine and all appears to be well. He should be ready for me to see in about 20 minutes.

So I guess I can move on to the other news at hand, as I have been away for so long. There are some exciting events on the horizon.

In service to the work that Mark and I have done together, culminating in our latest book, Planetary Healing, Spirit Medicine for Global Transformation, I have a full plate of appearances centered around this work. We are so excited to share it with you!

Blessings and Love,
Nicki Scully

Upcoming Appearances:

April 27 – 29, 2012
New Living Expo, San Francisco

On Friday evening at 6:00pm I will be moderating a panel on the Rebirth of the Psychedelic Culture with such luminaries as Ann Shulgin, John Barlow, Maria Mangini, Jon Hanna, and Ralph Metzner. At 8:00pm I will be presenting a workshop on Planetary and Alchemical Healing, with a strong personal and planetary healing initiation/ceremony. On Saturday I will be part of a panel on 2012 that includes Gregg Braden. For more information, follow link above.

June 2, 2012
Workshop and Full Moon Ceremony
at CoSM, with Alex and Allyson Grey
Wappinger Falls, NY

In my afternoon workshop I will be focusing on Alchemical and Planetary Healing with an Egyptian mysteries twist.

June 8 – 11, 2012
2012 Spiritual Awakening Conference
West Palm Beach, Florida

I will be doing a presentation on What To Do When the Shift Hits the Fan. Click here for more information and to register with a special presenter's discount.

July 13-15, 2012
Oregon Country Fair
Veneta, OR.

Visit us at Altared Space, and check the schedule for my presentations

July 27 – 29, 2012
Women's Visionary Congress
Petaluma, California

A community gathering on consciousness, healing and social justice. WVC is an annual gathering of visionary women healers, scholars, activists and artists who study consciousness and altered states. I will be presenting a workshop on Intelligent Evolution: How to Adapt to our Toxic Environment While We Turn This Ship of Fools Around

August 3 - 5, 2012
Gaia Festival
Black Oak Ranch, California


Sadly we have had to postpone the Egyptian Mysteries Retreat, originally scheduled for this May. We will let you know new dates as soon as we have them confirmed.

In the meantime, we invite you to join us for the Alchemical and Planetary Healing Intensive Retreat to be held August 22 – 29 at our retreat center here in Eugene. In this retreat we will cover salient rites and initiations from the entire form, providing tools and experience that will give participants depth, breadth and confidence in their personal and planetary Alchemical Healing practices. This retreat is open to all levels of students and practitioners, and we will study the entire form, including processes and initiations from all three related texts (Alchemical Healing, Power Animal Meditations and Planetary Healing). Advanced students are encouraged to come to this retreat, as it will be both a refresher and an opportunity to learn and practice new techniques and receive new empowerments that were not given in the original intensives. For new students, this intensive class is a prerequisite for the Alchemical Healing Practitioner Certification. Online Registration

photo by Indigo RonlovUpcoming Tours:

A Magical Pilgrimage to Egypt with Danielle Rama Hoffman and Dr. Friedemann Schaub, September 18 – October 2, 2012. Imagine yourself between the paws of the Sphinx setting powerful intentions, at Isis's temple on Philae opening your heart to unconditional love, at Sekhmet's chapel accessing courage and power to be your authentic self. Activate Egypt's magic in an exclusive visit of the Great Pyramid. Integrate and luxuriate in 5-star accommodations. Learn about Egypt's history, culture and art through our world renowned Egyptologist. Receive ongoing support during this journey to integrate the powerful experiences through group circles, preparation lectures, energy work, sound-healing and mind-body-spirit integration. Register for more information here…

An Egyptian Mysteries Journey to Egypt with Normandi Ellis and Nicki Scully, October 23 – November 6, 2012. This will be the third tour to Egypt that Normandi and I have led together. Like our last one in March 2011, it will be intimate, limited to 16 participants, and will focus on the Egyptian Mysteries and writing your spiritual memoirs. This tour will include writing sessions similar to the ones that resulted in Normandi's new book (co-written with Gloria Taylor Brown), Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt, a collection of inspiring pieces by participants on an Egypt tour in 2009. Normandi will offer writing exercises in the temples and on our exquisite, private dahabeya as we sail the Nile and participate in initiations and ceremonies at sacred sites. Among the highlights will be a sunrise visit to Isis' temple at Philae, and private ceremonial visits to the Sphinx and the King's Chamber inside the Great Pyramid. This tour is filling fast so please contact us soon if you are interested! Register for more information here…

News from our friends:

A Transformation Wellness Healing Retreat in Hawaii
with Dea Lisk

April 14th ~ 22, 2012

8 Healing Nights on the Big Island of Hawaii: This Retreat is designed to connect you fully with your Source Energy, the Divine Mother and you own Heart. From this place of balance and wholeness we connect to the Elements and different levels of our being. Air- Mind, Fire-Will and Spirit,Water- Emotions, and Earth- Physical Body, Form. This is a gentle yet powerful and deep process. More info here…

44th Spirit Visioning Dance at Hawkwind

Hawkwind Earth Renewal Cooperative, in Valley head, Alabama invites you to celebrate Life with the 44th Spirit Visioning Dance to take place the weekend of Summer Solstice. This all night dance comes of the the ancient traditions and invites all nations and ages to join hands and hearts. We connect with the fires and the souls of the old ones as we bring forth a time of renewal to all our relations. For more information contact Charla Hermann at we have limited space and invite you to participate in the vows of awakening 2012 and beyond!

Ongoing Product Specials at Hathor's Mirror:

We are continuing to offer 30% off all Nicki Scully's Books if you purchase 3 or more titles. This includes The Temples of Light and Invoking the Scribes, for which Nicki wrote the forewords:


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